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Transfer Weather Check
Time initiated
1 0700-1800
3 1800-2400
5 0000-0700
3 Hail or Sleet
5 Flash Flood Warning
No - Flooding Conditions
No - Active snow fall > six in./hour
8 Active snow fall 3-6 in./hour
6 Active snow fall 1-3 in./hour
4 Active snow fall < 1 in./hour
6 Ground fog
5 Blowing snow
5 <100 yards of visibility
4 20-40 mph wind
8 Greater than 40 mph wind
5 zero degrees
8 < zero or 30 below chill factor
8 Greater than 108 degrees
5 Canyon travel, use of 4x4 drive, accidents reported
3 Combined mode of transport, airport/road construction
Road Conditions
8 Snow packed or unplowed snowy or icy roads
5 Slick in spots, drifting snow, black ice, or standing water
Mode of Travel
8 Use of 4x4 drive
21-28 requires Captain's Approval
Greater than 28 represents a significant risk to crew and patient
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