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Employee Wellness Resources


Our field of work can be thankless, unforgiving, painful, and grim. We want our staff to lead happy, healthy, productive lives, both at work and outside of it. It's okay to feel blue, but if you do, we want to support you. We've all been the whale at one point or another. Sometimes you just need a few extra balloons. Other times you need a whole lot of balloons! We've compiled some resources that might help if you find yourself struggling with your mental well-being. And we will keep updating and adding to this page as we find other resources and programs that might be helpful to us all. Thanks for what you do. 

Chris Canning

Wellness App

Grand County EMS is proud to offer all employees and their families access to Lexipol's Cordico Wellness App. The Cordico App is 100% confidential, anonymous, and comes packed with a wide range of resources developed by clinical experts, with new content and tools added monthly.  From self-assessments to nutrition to meditation as well as access to crisis resources, the Cordico App is available 24/7/365.  Available from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Introduction to Your Agency's Cordico Wellness App (

Download and Sign-in Now:

(Available in Apple App and Google Play stores)

Department ID:

GrandCountyEMS-A-UT​     (active duty)

GrandCountyEMS-S-UT​     (spouses/family)

GrandCountyEMS-R-UT ​    (retirees)

Department Code:

Welcome2GCE!​    (universal password to provide privacy to users)

Other Free and Confidential Resources

Safe Call Now - 206.459.3020

A 24/7 help line staffed by first responders for first responders and their family members. They can assist with treatment options for responders who are suffering from mental health, substance abuse, and other personal issues. 

Fire/EMS Helpline - 888.731.3473

Also known as Share The Load. A program run by the National Volunteer Fire Council. They have a help line, text based help service, and have also collected a list of many good resources for people looking for help and support. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800.273.8255

The national (USA) suicide hotline. Nor first responder specific, but they can and will talk to anyone who needs help. We have been told by one of their founders that they have a large number of first responders who volunteer. 

Crisis Text Line - text "Help" to 741-741

A service that allows people in crisis to speak with a trained crisis counselor through text. 

Frontline Helpline - 866.676.7500

Run by Frontline Responder Services. Offers 24/7 coverage with first responder call-takers.

Kristin Brooks Hopeline - 800.442.4673

Another national hotline for people suffering from mental health issues. 

SafeUT Frontline -  Free App

A Utah based app that provides 24/7 confidential access to call or text for help at no cost.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong [medic] stumbles. Or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the [medic] who is actually in the arena. Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs. Who comes up short again and again. Because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms. The great devotions; who spends herself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement. And who at the worst. If he fails. At least fails while daring greatly. So that her place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory no defeat. 

-Theodore Roosevelt

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